The Project was acquired through staking and option in 2021, and a LIDAR survey was flown by Kenorland to aid in surficial geological interpretation and planning for systematic geochemical surveys. The Project was optioned to Barrick Gold Corporation in 2021, and completed a property-wide glacial till geochemical survey including the collection of 1902 till samples. In 2022, detailed follow-up exploration included a drill-for-till program which resulted in the collection of 459 overburden samples and 56 top of bedrock samples. In addition, detailed mapping was carried out over multiple target areas along with the collection 1069 rock samples. Barrick’s exploration campaigns confirmed that in addition to the gold prospectivity, the Project also hosted a large, coherent, and highly anomalous area of coincident nickel and copper in glacial overburden, with nickel values returning up to 674 ppm and copper up to 306 ppm in till, potentially indicating a bedrock source of mineralisation below cover. The results also highlighted multiple lithium-cesium anomalies, which could indicate potential sources of lithium-cesium-tantalum pegmatite systems along the geological sub-province boundary and margin of the Alison Lake batholith. The high grade McCombe lithium deposit, occurs along this margin, directly to the east of the Project, illustrating the potential for LCT pegmatite mineralisation within the Project area.
In 2023, additional staking was completed and a LIDAR survey was flown over newly staked areas to increase DEM coverage for surficial interpretation. All regional data was digitized and infill till sampling and prospecting over multiple target areas was completed in 2023.
In February 2024, Kenorland announced results at the Paponga Target Area (Gold) after completing a large-scale geochemical sampling survey including approximately 2,800 fine fraction till samples, 700 heavy mineral concentrate (HMC) till samples, and 630 rock samples. The survey focused on a number of different mineral system targets (Au, Ni-Cu, Li) across the 83,385-hectare property. Results from the fine fraction till sampling identified the Papaonga target, defined by a large-scale, coherent gold-in-till anomaly and a strong multi-element signature of Au-Ag-Te-W±As-Sb. The Papaonga gold-in-till anomaly covers approximately five kilometers striking east-west and eight kilometers northeast-southwest following the prominent ice flow direction. There has been very limited historical exploration, and no historical drilling has occurred within the geochemical source target area.
Kenorland is planning a detailed mapping and prospecting campaign within the Papaonga target area for the 2024 summer field season, focusing on the identified ‘head’ (source) of the gold-in-till glacial dispersal plumes. In addition, 10kg HMC till samples will be collected across the target area for gold grain counts and analysis. Kenorland also recently completed a high resolution airborne magnetic survey covering the Papaonga target area. The goal of the 2024 exploration campaign is to develop drill targets for testing in 2025.